Methodologies for developing software hold a strong significance in executing various websites and app development projects with quality. Estimated time and budget can be controlled by implementing various methodologies like Extreme Programming, Lean Development, Joint Application, Scrum Methodology and many more. These methodologies assist in keeping a check on resources, structure, input, and output of a development process. At Wecode in Japan, we utilize two main methodologies of Agile and Waterfall that help in ensuring authenticity and minimizing risks in the projects. As per the requirements of our clients across the globe, we apply the execution models by analyzing the strengths and shortcomings.

Agile Methodology

The Agile Methodology is used by our developers to mitigate the maximum risks of cost overruns, coding bugs, and change in requirements as the process progresses. While adding new functions, Agile methodology gives us the advantage of simultaneously running development and testing activities. It is a huge time-saving method that is based on a conceptual framework. Wecode uses Scrum, which is based on constant interaction between team members, software in progress, collaborating with clients and being responsive to changes. This helps both us and our clients in keeping a constant check on the progress of a project.

Waterfall Methodology

We follow the Waterfall Methodology because it's a development process that is easy and follows a sequence of events. The events or stages in this method are in the form of a waterfall starting from Needs, Designing, Developing, Verifying, Deploying, and, Maintaining. All of these stages have their distinct goals to achieve and each of them has to be completed fully before reaching the next one. Since this method implements planning in the initial stages, it becomes easier to control any discrepancies even before the development starts. Plus, its easy documentation makes it simple to understand and execute a project.


Strategic-Contract Model

This type of model is best suited for the brands that are trying to make their name with less investment initially. Our resources are based on your requirements, expectations, and options available. The prices are monthly-based and the client will be served by a close-knit team of developers. They would be fully dedicated to their projects and strategies. Plus, the client can control how to select, engage, manage and adjust the team according to their criteria. The development costs can be reduced and ROI can be enhanced by decreased time to market.

Offshore Development Centre Model

Such a business model is capable of providing full control to the clients over things like building a team and structuring the architecture of the project. This project is best suitable for the clients who have complete clarity about what they want from us and have a vision. It is a great option for the clients that want a quick development process, and don’t have time to conjure up a team on their own. Hence, we serve right from ideating, designing, implementing, testing and maintaining. This model is perfect for large-scale clients looking for long-term working partnership and want a dedicated development team.

Time & Material Model

This type of methodology is a great option for the business looking to invest in small amounts in the beginning days of their business. The development team of experts can work jointly as per the requirements of clients. If a project needs continuous changes then this is the best model to adopt. The services are charged per hour with payment options have the flexibility and the model is based on the price defined under a stipulated span. Clients can have full control over quality and development costs. Plus, if the clients face some problems in defining a clear vision of the final product, this model helps in achieving the desired outcome.

Fixed Cost Model

As per the name, this is the most simple and straightforward business model. Businesses that are small, medium or just beginning their business and have a defined budget and set of requirements can benefit from this model. This model focuses more on the result of the process. Under this, a delivery schedule will be defined within the stipulated budget as after the client's approval. Such a model has lower risks because of its defined specifications about everything. Hence, it is advised to consult the team for evaluation before starting the project. Once the project is completed, prices and schedule can be revised if the client needs some changes.